Saturday, 21 August 2010

my BOX of delights

In life we are always going to have moments that we just want to keep forever. Someone asked me the other day whether or not I had a significant other in my life, and I said "no". She said, good for me because I would have no headaches. So I said, well even if there was I'll put it in a box, along with a box of happiness and memories, and all this would go in a big box of love! Whatever my little boxes had, they were sure to be surrounded with love! That made me realise that this would be a box of life, where we can store what we want and open to look at when we want. We have to make room in our lives for all sorts because we don't live in an ideal world. Truly speaking we all have a box of life, whether it's past memories, love, happy times and other happy or significant memories. We decide what goes in the box, what stays in the box and when we do a cleanup, what comes out of that box. It's probably not a good idea to overfill the box, because then like anything you overfill, it's going to burst, and you don't want that happening. In other words we have to be selective about what we want in that box. It's our box of life afterall!

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