Thursday 23 March 2023

My Wish πŸ™πŸ½

 My wish

Today as I blew out a candle representing the years of my life on this earth, I could think of many things to wish, but something stood out.

My wish and prayer is truly for peace, world peace πŸ™πŸ½ 

I wish for humanity in the hearts of all, that people across the world will at some stage of this journey in our lives, live in harmony, peace, love, happiness and understanding. May the world be full of kinder, trustworthy and honest people. May we not always feel that we need more than others, may we always acknowledge our blessings and try to be selfless in our everyday lives, trying a random act of human kindness where possible.

May homes be felt with a Godly presence so that broken homes might be healed, our children will be steered in the right paths of life and not lured onto a journey where they feel lost, desperate and alone.

I pray for our leaders to be instilled with wisdom, guidance and virtue that they may lead their nations with honest hearts and selflessness.

I pray for our earth to heal so that those of us sharing our lives on her space can lead happier, content and positive lives, and work hand in hand to protect what has been given to us for a borrowed time. May people on earth appreciate Mother Nature and truly respect what we need to do to.

May each day bring you better, brighter and positive thoughts, no matter what. It is us that can truly find the peace within ourselves, and help to spread it. 



Sunday 27 November 2022

Slipping through my fingers

 Its incredible how fast time passes by when I stop and watch the little moments of my growing son,  and reality suddenly hits me. From the little things he does and the loving, heartwarming conversations that we occasionally have, I see a mature, caring and gentle soul developing. No longer a baby, but will always be my baby. Even just unpacking the groceries at the till, and helping to unpack the groceries at home without being told shows a responsibility that develops the maturity further. Including children in household chores plays a pivotal role during their childhood, and also helping them develop into the adult they will be someday.

Last week was definitely an appreciation of this reality when our son went on his first camping trip on an overnight stay with his school. Of course we had some concerns, never being away from our child overnight, but we also did not want him to have regrets later in life if he did not go.

Of course there was no way we were going to be too far away from their accommodation …not that we’re paranoid 😬. Saying goodbye to him at the school, knowing that we wouldn’t be too far from them, still choked me up, and I had to contain myself so that he wouldn’t see the sadness in my eyes. As I saw the bus drive away, there was an emptiness and tug at my heart that I felt within.

 We had no doubt that he and the other kids would be just fine as the teachers kept us updated all the time. From the photos we knew that they were enjoying themselves and  they were safe. We didn’t want him to regret 

I have to admit that even though it was one night, it felt like a really long quiet time without him, and felt most unusual. For children to be on an overnight stay away at a young age really boosts their confidence and independence. I am one of those parents somewhat paranoid for good reasons, even though I knew my son would cope. He was packed and prepared with his bag and prayers. 

As much as he did not want to go initially, I do think that he had a wonderful time as much as he does not want to admit it, and secretly I think he could do it again. 

As he prepares for a new school next year, my heart is brimming  with immense love and pride for this extraordinary  little being who I have no doubt is ready and confident to conquer his path ahead. I just wish that time could slow down a bit, as I still see my little boy through his eyes each time I get caught in a moment… slipping through my fingers. 

May your courageous spirit lead you to adventurous places. May the Lord always bless you.


Wednesday 22 July 2020

I’m a survivor!

As some of you might have known I was tested SARS-CoV-2 positive two weeks ago. 
Through the grace of God, thankful for all the prayers and love, and concern of family and friends I have recovered, apart from the residual lethargy as is normal with any viral infection.
I would like to enlighten you on my journey and experience with my symptoms and what I did if it can help anyone you know that maybe infected. 
Everybody has different symptoms and the strain is different in everyone, as epidemiologists are still learning about this profound and evolving virus.
The last two weeks have been an incredible journey in the sense of my inner being put to a great challenge. 

I started off with the most pounding headache you could ever imagine, and I’m not one to even take panados but that night I had no choice. I broke out into chills and could not sleep that first night. 
The first few days were a challenge, with my sense of taste heightened with everything tasting really spicy or salty. I kept myself hydrated daily, did my breathing exercises, used some Arnica oil for my legs as it was beginning to feel sore but that was short lived thankfully, and kept myself nourished spiritually. By day 4 I seemed stronger & even had the energy to blog about my unforeseen events. By that same afternoon I was exhausted. It was up and down the next few days. I could hardly chat long on the phone because I just got tired, not out of breath. I was doing Vick’s inhalation and started garlic lemon and honey in warm water, with turmeric. I even prone positioned myself in the mornings for a couple of minutes. 
By the 6-7th day I hit a rough corner, there was a growing loss of appetite and my husband was really concerned for me being so far away. He arranged medical attention for me, for which I was taken to the nearest hospital for about 4 hours then returned to my isolation facility. I was in the Trauma unit and seeing faces again after 6 days and being able to communicate with others was a treat even being in the state I was. I curled up on the Trauma bed wanting to be around people that middle part of the night knowing they were going to ‘sort me out’, as short as my stay was with them. They were my heroes that night. My vitals were all stable, thank God. There was no point in my mind where I ever thought ‘I can’t get through this’. The grace and work 
of God is truly Mighty!!

The next day was an effort to eat and having all the support telephonically just to make sure I ate seemed to really encourage me. My brother stayed on the phone making sure that I was going to eat my meal. A shower seemed to even exhaust me. The IV booster started working and my body was feeling the change later that evening... I was in a room with no sunshine, I could see the outside and see the sunlight. They knocked on the door when the meals arrived. My daily intake was scrambled eggs with chutney or baked beans, with sausage or bacon( I couldn’t eat the meat). There was chicken in various forms almost everyday with rice...I would look for and eat the veg as I was really chickened was too much effort to chew. We had no keys which meant we could not leave the rooms. I forced myself to even eat the now cold food which I just stared at, thinking I’ve got to do family is waiting for me. 
I was strong minded about all of this before it could happen and I was determined to get through it, and really not be defeated by this, having no comorbidities, and considering myself a fairly fit and healthy somebody. By the 9th day things seemed to look brighter. I kept on with my hydration,
gargling with warm salt water, Vick’s inhalation, drank slices 
of ginger with lemon and honey in warm turmeric water and 
started eating whatever was ordered for me by my husband and brother(fruits, soup, chips) to the point I was so hungry one night I ordered pizzas for myself ( me being so against ordering out during this Lockdown!)
It was all downhill from then. 
Tears of joy, pain, relief and all sorts of mixed emotions filled me as I saw the sun for the first time in 12 days, and as we drove away from the isolation facility. 
I was strengthened by scripture and prayers, and a belief that I was going to defeat this. I did. I AM a COVID SURVIVOR.

 Some people still do not understand the seriousness of what this virus can do. I am blessed I had symptoms that were probably milder than what most people go through even though those headaches were indescribable to a point. Many people complicate with shortness of breath and have worse off symptoms...everyone will have a different experience to the virus with their symptoms. Fortunately I 
isolated when I had a suspicion and had been wearing my mask at home as well. 
My regimen was taking my multivitamin, zinc RDA (30-40mg) daily.

 My advice is to eat healthy meals with fresh fruit and 
vegetables. Consume warm fluids : ginger tea, lemon and 
honey and turmeric, or tea.
Stay clean: when you go out to the mall, sanitize your 
hands, carry your own little sanitizer after you touch products handled by someone else, WEAR YOUR MASK AT ALL TIMES, cover your head with a bandanna or cap. Spray your groceries or wipe down the packaging with Degerm. When you come home, keep your shoes outside or create a place to put your shoes, sanitize your shoes before you take them in but leave them close to the door. Have A pair of shoes for the mall/the outside. After you’ve sanitized, go straight to the shower, & wash your hair too, and then wash your clothes. Wash and clean your spectacles. Don’t take a chance.
I unfortunately work in an environment that leaves us all susceptible. Even though I might have antibodies I’m quite capable of being reinfected with a different strain of this virus ( praying to God that’s never going to happen). I have not grown an immunity to it. Every hospital will potentially soon become a COVID hospital, as we have not reached that surge yet. Everyone might eventually get it, some asymptomatic and not even know they have it, just being carriers.
Stay home and be safe so you don’t have to end up in 
hospital, so you don’t have to become another statistic.

Be thankful. Appreciate your life and thank God. Don’t take a single day for granted. Be kind to one another. Nobody is greater than the other. Have respect for each other. Practise random acts of human kindness. Fortunately I didn’t need to be in isolation to feel strongly about these virtues and thoughts in life, it gave me a perspective on how people take each other for granted, take their lives for granted, and will complain about mole hills in their life when others are facing a mountain to get through...fighting for your life to get through a day.
This is not a Stigma. 
People need psychological support at this time, as everyone responds to stresses differently in life. Some people are more positive minded then others and can deal with the loneliness of isolation and the challenges that come with this, others might feel depressed and give up. This is what makes us unique individuals. We need to learn to be more supportive, be more encouraging to those who need our help. 
The Lockdown during this viral pandemic has taught us much about life, about life changes and how we can be 
better humans in life. Let us not forget that. Before you complain, think first. Think about and be thankful for how 
blessed you really are. Don’t doubt the power of prayer,  and scriptural and spiritual nourishment. We serve a MIGHTY God! Prayers carried me through this journey.    Stay blessed and STAY SAFE. God bless you and your family.

Friday 10 July 2020

I will not be defeated!!

It’s Day 4 post my positive COVID swab result, and Day 5 in isolation.
I’ve seen better days for sure! I will survive and get through this.
I always believe in having a positive mind (excuse the pun) through whatever challenges you may be faced with. The worst thoughts have entered my mind at my weakest moments feeling as though I have fallen and cannot get out of this abyss. Thankfully it was really short lived. God is great!
I decided to document my symptoms as it’s interesting how everyone experiences the different symptoms, and I believe it can help others in their weak moments, and I hope I can encourage and strengthen their thoughts in some way!

I have been really rigorous about the hand hygiene routine and protocols of maintaining safety during this time. How this came to be, is still mind boggling to me. It’s here and I’m dealing with it.
On the weekend that passed I started feeling a headache that was truly out of this world, as I’m not usually one to even take Panados in a hurry, this time I had no choice. It seemed to have done nothing whatsoever. I experienced terrible chills along with this monstrous headache on Monday morning, and decided I needed to get it checked out. I had a swab taken, and waited anxiously for the results.

It was naturally a shock to on earth??
My fear was my family. I had to make sure they’re safe and I didn’t pass this onto them.
I was taken out of home to isolate away from them. Naturally a heart breaking moment for me leaving my family, but I had to put them first.

The last two days have been a challenge with the niggling headache and an on and off fever.
God has been great as always!! I’m thankful for all His blessings and mercies.
We do take life for granted until we are placed in a helpless spot.

The body aches started yesterday afternoon but I refuse for this virus to claim the better of me. I’ve been forcing myself to eat food that tastes salty or spicy. I do my deep breathing exercises, slept prone for a short while even though I have no respiratory symptoms, thank God! Arnica oil is great!
The showers are rejuvenating for me.
Ive been drinking plentiful fluids to stay hydrated.
Today is definitely a better day , I have the energy to blog. The headache and the aches are not so bad.

I’m nourished by Psalm 91, and feeling the Lords presence through this time. I’m not alone. I feel His healing strength and power daily. Mentally I’m fighting it. I have an amazing family I need to get back to and need to be strong for them, especially my little hero who I miss with all my heart.
I’m blessed with prayers and text messages, and concern for my family.
Having a strong mind, faith and prayer is what will really get you through this!
I’m just counting down the days to return home, praying to feel fitter and better as each day passes. If you know someone going through this, encourage them to be strong, to fight it, not to sleep all the time, exercise and eat well.
We will get through thisπŸ™ I will not let myself be defeated by this!
God bless each of you that reads this 🌹
Taking it one day at a time... ❤️

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Silent war...moving forward

Who would have thought that all that we are living through presently would become such a reality? A time when you’re asked to stay home from work, work from home, homeschool, wear a mask, no personal contact, keep social distancing, reminded to relax, maybe watch a movie, read a book, have a permit to travel, and constantly reminded to wash your hands.
With restaurants, clothing shops, and other inessential shops closed, its truly amazing how we CAN cope. We can cope with not going to the mall ever so often, or stopping to have that cup of coffee at the local cafe.
How have you been coping?

Have you been productive in these last weeks, and more so have you given your body a chance to really rest. This is about the only time people don’t have to complain about getting up really early and getting ready for work, apart from their annual leave.

Everyday is a reality of this global crisis. Health care workers post videos to remind us of how real and deadly this invisible enemy is.
As it creeps and surges through the cities and countries, we see the rise in the number of deaths and those infected daily.
All our plans have automatically changed.
Being the humans that we are , we are so accustomed to making plans in advance, some be it for travel or work.
It turns out there is no sense of urgency for any of that at a time like this. Whatever plans we had scheduled have to be cancelled or postponed...due to unforeseen circumstances and changing times. There’s no sense of urgency...period.

It is a mental challenge. The survival of the fittest. We have to really programme our minds to this time of Lockdown, we have to find ways to fight this boredom, stimulate our minds and grow...grow personally, spiritually and mentally.

As this war continues to defeat us in so many ways, we remain strong and powerful, somehow recharged with this Lockdown. There’s a sense of community and gratitude in various parts of the world when frontline staff are greeted by applauds as they arrive home from work.

As we proceed to a stage 3 of this Lockdown within a few days we have a responsibility to our families and community by being sensible.
Follow the precautions and guidelines when you have to go to the grocery store or out in public. Wear your mask, sanitize your hands, maintain social distancing of 1.5 -2 meters apart from the next person.
Use a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of it thereafter into a waste bin. Sanitize or wash your hands as soon as possible. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow.
Educate your children on proper hand hygiene using the 20 second rule. As some of the pupils prepare to go to school, there is a fear factor and probably anxiety amongst educators, parents and learners. Parents have to ensure the safety of their children by educating them and preparing them appropriately. Ensure they maintain a healthy and well balanced diet, including their fresh fruits to support their immunity.
This is a time when we have to accept what is and move forward believing, and praying for a positive outcome around the world, acknowledging that life will  never be the same again for a long while. We have to have faith in our leaders who are guiding us with these decisions being made, believing they have our country’s best and safest interest at heart.

Stay safe. We will overcome this.
God bless you and your familiesπŸ™πŸ½

Thursday 26 March 2020

LOCKDOWN 21: Time to reflect and time for a change

As we tread cautiously, peacefully, and hopefully in a positive frame of mind into LOCKDOWN21, there are a few things to consider. Have you updated your will, have you GOT a will, have you made peace with those you have avoided over insignificance, pretty much everything now would seem insignificant as we prioritize the value of life, before more lives are claimed by this invisible and invincible force. As morbid as it sounds, it’s the harsh reality of this changing time.
 It’s a time to put our differences aside, time to soften our hearts to forgiveness, and open our hearts to change. These are real times that we’re living in. It’s like watching that movie Contagion, and realising we’re actually living some of those scenes.

21 DAYS of LOCKDOWN...what does it mean for fellow South Africans?
There are some advantages : our streets will be safe from reports of hijacking, burglaries, petty crime, we can sleep easy without those sounds where we think and wonder whose next in the neighbourhood.

What can we do? We can be RESPONSIBLE.

How can we help?
Follow the advice set out by the authority.
Keep in telephonic contact with family, check in with the elderly.
If you are going to the mall for necessities, protect yourselves by keeping your social distancing of at least 2 metres from any one coughing or sneezing.
Take heed of the advice set out by the WHO.
Maintain strict hand hygiene measures. DO NOT touch your face.
Educate your children if they don’t already know. Make them aware of this global crisis. This is the history they’ll be talking of in their future. These are historic times we are living through.

What will you be doing for lockdown?
When people are at work, some often say: how I wish I was at home or on holiday.
Well here’s your break.
There’s no need for boredom.

PRAY. Read the Bible or your religious scriptures.
Wake up early in the morning to watch the sunrise, and appreciate it.
Start a hobby. Start SINGING if you’ve never  done it before.
Learn a new language online. Kids do your online studying.

DANCE to your favourite music.
Bring out those board games you never had time for.
Sit with your kids and chat about your childhood.
Read to your kids, with your kids, for  yourself.

Make a movie night with popcorn. Create a cinema in your lounge.
Have snacks.
Rest....our bodies need it.
Exercise, practice yoga, meditate.
Reflect....write down your thoughts.
Complete that cleanup task you were always hoping you had time for.
Start baking. Start cooking. Experiment with new recipes.

Find out more about your spouse, about your children.
Assign each family member a chore so that everybody gets to do something and nobody feels left out!
Watch a comedy .... LAUGH!!!
Send out positive vibes on media... WE ALL NEED IT!!
Be encouraging.
Show your love, kindness and support to those around you and those who need it.
In light of the gloom and despair, STAY POSITIVE and KEEP YOUR FAITH.

Pray for the world. Pray for healing. Pray for our leaders that they may gain wisdom, knowledge, understanding and insight to the decisions they have to make and the impact thereof.
Pray for the frontline care workers who fear their lives, and their families lives, now more than ever, though still bravely get up, get dressed and go to work. Pray for a stronger and united nation, and for nations to unite globally.

God Bless Our World
Guard Her Children
Guide Her Leaders
And Give Her Peace
For Jesus Christ’s Sake

Sunday 22 March 2020


As I enter a new milestone year in my life in the light of current times (every birthday is now a milestone), there has never been a wish that I’ve wanted as much as I do today, with the rest of the world.

Many have already been defeated by this deadly novel virus. We sit and watch the news daily praying, and hoping, that things will be different, there will be more positive news, something, anything!!

It has proved to us that people can come together and work ‘hand in hand’ for the greater good of all humans. In the last few months, it has been incredible how countries throughout the world have united to fight this WAR. Even the wars in the Middle East have taken a back seat and is forgotten ( for now), with the news on every channel dominated by this bitter pandemic.

Countries are getting financial support by means of medical equipment from influential persons, countries are offering their medical expertise to others, irrespective of what sanctions there might have been in the past. Their political eyes are shut, their hearts now have eyes.

There is no division in any country...all political parties have united, differences aside, to come to the table to make decisions about how they can combat this virus and stop the spread. It has taught us to unite in solidarity as ‘separated’ as we have to be, to get back to the basics of hand washing, taught many to have faith, and brought many to their knees to pray, taught us to realize how blessed we actually are, and it has taught us the rich and poor are not protected.
We are one.

When you think about how people have rallied around to help countries, it’s a wonder how this effect could have been if it was implemented for world peace. If countries could unite for the greater good of our earth, greed aside, there would be less organizations pleading for donations to help war torn countries, to help save the planet, to fight carbon emissions, to fight the daily struggle that has escalated over the years.
Mother Earth is finally getting a reprieve, at a cost to us, and is teaching us a valuable life lesson in the process, after crying out for help all these years...a little too late unfortunately.
We have been greedy, wanting more, wanting better, taking, wanting and wanting because as much as  we already had and have, it was and is never enough.
Enough is now enough, or is it?

It has gotten ‘out of hand’, created a global panic, a reality that must be faced. Poverty stricken countries have more challenges to face amidst this growing threat, where most cannot even self isolate or social distancing cannot be practiced due to their unfortunate circumstances they have been lifelong burdened with, not to mention running water for hand hygiene.

What will happen when the virus has gone, will the people still remember this lesson, will it have taught us what better values and the importance of life and actually living are, will it have taught us that we can all work together to heal the world, heal its people by putting differences aside, and eradicating the power struggle? Will we have learnt anything in the stillness of self isolation?
We are one.

We are smart intelligent beings. We CAN do took a virus to unite the world, to show us what we are capable of achieving.
This is a time that calls for all to be calm, pray and have common sense. We cannot avoid it.

God bless you and your family. Be thankful, be grateful, be selfless and be kind. May you find comfort, peace, courage and strength during these changing times.

My wish is my prayer, that all this come to an end, sooner than predicted.
A year never to be forgotten!
We are one.

Monday 18 November 2019

Thankful for life.

Some say “my life flashed before my eyes” when a major accident or near miss has occurred.
It’s true when it happens to you.
A few mornings ago on my way to work I was almost involved in what could have been a big accident...God was on our side. ‘Our’ for the other driver, other potential drivers, and for me.
I had to quickly swerve right to the next lane without having time to even check whether there was a car on my side as I hooted quickly at the driver (who was looking the opposite side) who almost drove into me from my left.

As I drove on, I regained my composure after feeling quite shaken thinking the worse. Tears rolled down from my eyes as I realized how blessed I was....blessed for my life.

So often we take every DAY, every HOUR, every MINUTE and every SECOND for granted.
We just leave home in faith and return home in faith.
I’m thankful it wasn’t my time, and maybe somewhere in my mind I heard a voice saying that it wasn’t my time. It was a jerk back into the reality of my be greatful, and thankful for all I have in my life.

I’m sharing this because:
-no matter how safe a driver you think you are, there can always be someone out there who’s not,
- this was s reality check as to what COULD have happened,
- I’m alive now and it may not seem a big deal (it’s an awareness)
- it’s going to be the Festive Season soon and we just need to be cautious, practice patience  and courtesy all the time when driving,
- I could have lost my life and left my son without his mum,
- it’s a reminder to CELEBRATE this life we have on this earth!

Even though I might seem an insignificant number in this big world like the many thousands who have lost their lives daily due to different harsh factors, I’m definitely the world to the significant few that I really matter to, and I’m blessed for having them in my life.
It makes me appreciate each day MORE and thankful to God for all I have!

With this in mind, have a blessed, safe and happy day!
Be humble. Be kind, courteous and patient. Life is not for rushing, despite the deadlines.
Smile, and pass it on.

God bless you.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Some Lessons in Life

At some point in our lives we’ve all learnt some lessons, be it through mistakes, experimenting, being daring or just not taking advice.
There are some valuable lessons in life that can’t be taught to us as we go through our stages of life, but we learn as we journey through life. Here are some of them some people have experienced and practice.

Thank God, in all you do. Everyday is a new beginning.Be thankful, say your prayers. Pray for others.

Good manners: this is plain and simple, if children can’t get it right, then why are we surprised with adults who don’t display good manners?
Inculcating good behavior to children at an early stage is imperative. Teaching them to be kind, humble, non-judgemental,  and to share, are priceless life lessons. These will make better respectable adults geared to face the reality of the world, which can be very harsh.

Some people often compare themselves to others, and want to “keep up with Jones’s”, as is said. They spend so much time trying to compete, that they often forget they have their own dreams too. Don’t chase other people’s dreams and in the  process forget your very own. Everyone has their own journey to the same destination in the end. Live your life your way.

Don’t encourage gossip. Often people can get caught in this. By contributing to the gossip, the negativity grows and who knows what slander is spread about you. Try to be positive and encourage others to do the same. It’s not our place to judge others. It’s good to have an open mind and your own opinion, and not to dwell on the negative opinion of others. Nobody’s perfect, but we can try to stop that kind of human pollution. Encourage to inspire, all the time.

Spend time with the elderly. They are a source of wisdom and have been around for many years, and have seen many changes through the years. Take the time to listen to them, encourage your children to do the same. Appreciate the valuable advice they have, they’ve lived through and experienced so much more in life. Listen to and hear  what they say. They feel appreciated that someone has taken the time to listen to their story (that they might have said 100 times over, or more).

Take THAT CHANCE! Be sensible and practical, be realistic (as our mum always said).
Don’t let others discourage your ambitions or goals, because THEY think it’s impossible. If you can dream it, believe that you can achieve it. Believe in others, and encourage them that they can do it!

Don’t live to have regrets! You cannot turn back the hands of time. If your opportunity comes knocking, what’s keeping you from it? Tomorrow will be here so fast, that it will be too late for “if only” and “I should have”. Be daring when you’re young, take the risks, but also be sensible about it! Live to tell the tale! Be fearless.

Stand up for yourself, and stand up for what’s right. If you witness something that’s wrong, do something about it. Unfortunately we live in a society where a smart remark may cost our life, but do what’s safe and right.

TRAVEL!!! Don’t rush to marry him or her. Invest time in good friends, and in yourself when you’re young. Find out what inspires you, what your ambitions are in life, what’s your happy space, find yourself. Visit countries that you’ve read about, places that excite you. I grew up with a passion for music, listening to the sounds of Richard Clayderman. He was my musical inspiration, and still remains so. You can only imagine my elation when I saw him perform live twice, and meeting him on both occasions.
Be inspired, live to love, laugh and dance.

Enjoy that chocolate cake(restrictions if you’re diabetic), but everything in moderation. Habit and occasional are very different terms.

Have meals as a family at the table. Don’t let social media steal your family time too. Enquire about the day at school, work or home. Everyone has something on their mind, no matter how little, or how insignificant it may seem, it’s all important!

Be thankful for everything...the challenges, the successes and all the blessings! What defines us is how well we rise after falling.

Listen to your children...they’re listening to you, ALL THE TIME, maybe not obeying you all the
time, but they listen to how you talk. Be happy and smile...children emulate that of which they see in their parents, family and surroundings.

Be nice, all the time. Yes people can be rude to you and say hurtful words, but you don’t have to
justify it with a response. Spread the kindness, teach others that it exists!

Appreciate constructive criticism. Never stop believing in yourself, despite the criticism.

Learn from the past, learn from mistakes.
Don’t dwell on them. How can it make you stronger? What lesson did you walk away from? Focus
 on improving yourself and making YOU a better person.

Pay that compliment to someone, I actually have a habit of doing that, cautiously.
Make someone’s day. Pass on a smile and see how you can change a frown...I have seen it a few times. When you smile, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters called endorphins, which make us happy. A smile costs nothing, something so priceless and valuable in life.

Be proud of who you are. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you your worth. You ARE beautiful,
amazing and awesome. YOU are UNIQUE. We were all created differently, dare to be different.. Be yourself!

Don’t wait for occasions to celebrate.

Use your talent to help others, be a service to others when you have time. Volunteer if you can.

Run that race, don’t put it off. Some people only started running in their 60’s.

Stop making excuses, another day just passes by with you singing the same song “I’m going to...but I just don’t have the time”, “I really want to....but..”.

Uphold your integrity at all times.

Try to learn something new everyday: a verse, a word or a fact.

Respect everyone in their entire entity.

Don’t be proud to say you’re sorry. Be the first to say “I’m sorry” if you have made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings. Spare the unpleasantries and avoid creating a mini war, we have enough in the world. Make peace with the past.

Say .... “I love you” to your family and friends who are dear to you. Let them know it.

Respect your parents. Take heed of their advice. They know what they’re talking about!

LOVE yourself! Love everything about you. Be beautiful...
Stay blessed always🌹

Monday 6 August 2018

Woman to women

We all have our stories to tell. As we listen to grandmas, aunties and the older wise women of today, we hear of incredible hardship tales of how they provided for big families, and traveled long distances, which is still done by many amazing women today.

Whether you’re a mum, aunt, grandma, there’s plentiful advice & support to assist the younger generation  through today.
Women have come a long way in culture, tradition and fighting for equality. It’s amazing and extraordinary  to know what lengths of challenge women go through to get to  where they are.

Being a full time working mum, is no easy task but most women seem to make it child’s play, literally. With everyday routine there’s an expectation of being a mum, wife, running a tight ship as a domestic goddess , and demands of work. Women do, and don’t complain. They lead, provide strength, support and comfort.

Believing in ourselves, and empowering others is fulfilling, and healthy on many levels. We live in a time when women get to a point in their lives when they might feel disappointed because they don’t meet expectations of others, overwhelmed because of the facets of their lives that need to be fulfilled,  and not to mention physically and mentally exhausted from their daily demands of being a multitasker, without understanding from their partners at times.
Some women endure constant emotional abuse in their lives, never really feeling a sense of fulfillment as there are always higher expectations of them at home, from spouses or family. It’s a sad reality when they go through life not believing that there’s always more potential, and that their dream is achievable, and that they ARE worth it.
What’s amazing is the number of women who are living their best lives after a divorce, separation  or death of a spouse, or women who remain single. Women should be living their best lives no matter what their circumstance...and that’s simply living happy and being able to believe in themselves at all times.

Women for years have taken a stand and made their mark leaving their legacy in history, and continue to do so. They’ve liberated the remarkable essence of womanhood, for others to follow.
Every woman is an author to some incredible story of their life, some written, some hidden and some waiting to be published. Their stories inspire and resonate with others to uplift, empower and give them a strength of belief in themselves. 

This Woman’s month stand up for what you believe in, always ; don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted or think you’re second best because others put you down; encourage, motivate and acknowledge your fellow women...everyone has their own challenge to face. We need to uplift, strengthen and shine our light at all times! This life comes  by but only the greatest you can be!
Be Confident and Be Amazing!

Maya Angelou

Love and light 🌹


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