Thursday, 23 March 2023

My Wish 🙏🏽

 My wish

Today as I blew out a candle representing the years of my life on this earth, I could think of many things to wish, but something stood out.

My wish and prayer is truly for peace, world peace 🙏🏽 

I wish for humanity in the hearts of all, that people across the world will at some stage of this journey in our lives, live in harmony, peace, love, happiness and understanding. May the world be full of kinder, trustworthy and honest people. May we not always feel that we need more than others, may we always acknowledge our blessings and try to be selfless in our everyday lives, trying a random act of human kindness where possible.

May homes be felt with a Godly presence so that broken homes might be healed, our children will be steered in the right paths of life and not lured onto a journey where they feel lost, desperate and alone.

I pray for our leaders to be instilled with wisdom, guidance and virtue that they may lead their nations with honest hearts and selflessness.

I pray for our earth to heal so that those of us sharing our lives on her space can lead happier, content and positive lives, and work hand in hand to protect what has been given to us for a borrowed time. May people on earth appreciate Mother Nature and truly respect what we need to do to.

May each day bring you better, brighter and positive thoughts, no matter what. It is us that can truly find the peace within ourselves, and help to spread it. 



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