Friday, 10 July 2020

I will not be defeated!!

It’s Day 4 post my positive COVID swab result, and Day 5 in isolation.
I’ve seen better days for sure! I will survive and get through this.
I always believe in having a positive mind (excuse the pun) through whatever challenges you may be faced with. The worst thoughts have entered my mind at my weakest moments feeling as though I have fallen and cannot get out of this abyss. Thankfully it was really short lived. God is great!
I decided to document my symptoms as it’s interesting how everyone experiences the different symptoms, and I believe it can help others in their weak moments, and I hope I can encourage and strengthen their thoughts in some way!

I have been really rigorous about the hand hygiene routine and protocols of maintaining safety during this time. How this came to be, is still mind boggling to me. It’s here and I’m dealing with it.
On the weekend that passed I started feeling a headache that was truly out of this world, as I’m not usually one to even take Panados in a hurry, this time I had no choice. It seemed to have done nothing whatsoever. I experienced terrible chills along with this monstrous headache on Monday morning, and decided I needed to get it checked out. I had a swab taken, and waited anxiously for the results.

It was naturally a shock to on earth??
My fear was my family. I had to make sure they’re safe and I didn’t pass this onto them.
I was taken out of home to isolate away from them. Naturally a heart breaking moment for me leaving my family, but I had to put them first.

The last two days have been a challenge with the niggling headache and an on and off fever.
God has been great as always!! I’m thankful for all His blessings and mercies.
We do take life for granted until we are placed in a helpless spot.

The body aches started yesterday afternoon but I refuse for this virus to claim the better of me. I’ve been forcing myself to eat food that tastes salty or spicy. I do my deep breathing exercises, slept prone for a short while even though I have no respiratory symptoms, thank God! Arnica oil is great!
The showers are rejuvenating for me.
Ive been drinking plentiful fluids to stay hydrated.
Today is definitely a better day , I have the energy to blog. The headache and the aches are not so bad.

I’m nourished by Psalm 91, and feeling the Lords presence through this time. I’m not alone. I feel His healing strength and power daily. Mentally I’m fighting it. I have an amazing family I need to get back to and need to be strong for them, especially my little hero who I miss with all my heart.
I’m blessed with prayers and text messages, and concern for my family.
Having a strong mind, faith and prayer is what will really get you through this!
I’m just counting down the days to return home, praying to feel fitter and better as each day passes. If you know someone going through this, encourage them to be strong, to fight it, not to sleep all the time, exercise and eat well.
We will get through this🙏 I will not let myself be defeated by this!
God bless each of you that reads this 🌹
Taking it one day at a time... ❤️


  1. Continue to stay strong my friend. God will get you through this. Xx

  2. Dear Annliza, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Sad to hear your pain and anxiety during this trying time. May our Lord grant you strength to cope and may His healing hand be upon you. All our love.



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