Sunday 3 April 2011

SPRING has SpRuNg!

With the daffodils springing up at every corner, the weather somewhat warming up and the daylight seeming a bit longer, you could almost smell the hint of spring pushing its way through. The clocks went forward last weekend and this happens in the last week of March at 1am on Sunday morning when the clocks automatically switch to 2am. Who knows what happens to that ONE hour of our lives, it's like it has been lost in space!! We lose ONE hour of the day! Whatever happens to that hour, it's just great that it's still bright at 7pm!

We look forward to this time of year, when we can get rid of the winter overcoats, wear one pair of socks instead of two or three, start looking brighter and wearing lighter clothing, and just being exposed to a greater amount of Vitamin D that puts a smile on our dials! Out with the black and dark, in with the bright and light! Energy levels have an instantaneous boost. London seems to be wearing a bright smile, and everyone seems so much more friendlier, the sunshine and warmth make a revolutionary change in this historic city.
So, it's a great time of the year to celebrate the budding of new flowers, more time out in the parks, barbeques, concerts in the parks, picnics and a very refreshing overall feeling!!

                                         HAPPY SPRING!!


  • Elizabeth Gilbert: eat pray love
  • Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist
  • Danielle Steel: The Kiss
  • Barack Obama : Dreams from my Father