Friday 21 May 2010


What one goes through to stay fit! After two long 12 hour day shifts, and consecutive 12 hour night shifts, all one would normallly think of is just plonking into a blissful sleep...not really! With all the hype and adrenaline rush to get steps topped up onto my pedometer for the Global Corporate Challenge, I almost sound like a fitness addict, and yet so on the contrary. I cant believe I had the energy to even step out the door, jog around the park and have such incredible fun. I obviously paid for it tonight with all the aches telling me otherwise about my fitness you think you know your body!!
It helps that we're having such incredibly warm weather that just makes me ever so nostalgic ...aahhh summer in the lovely London city! So much to do in such little time considering it's over in the blink of an eye.
The upside is the great energy levels and everyone in London seems to be jogging or walking the dog, or sunbathing in the local parks. As much as I was desperate today, and probably completed a further 9000 steps for my team (YAY!), I think I can safely say that I won't put myelf through that again!
Staying fit is definitely hard work, maybe a partner would lighten the load. For what it's worth, it's all good fun!! Sometimes it pays to be a sucker for punishment.

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