Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Silent war...moving forward

Who would have thought that all that we are living through presently would become such a reality? A time when you’re asked to stay home from work, work from home, homeschool, wear a mask, no personal contact, keep social distancing, reminded to relax, maybe watch a movie, read a book, have a permit to travel, and constantly reminded to wash your hands.
With restaurants, clothing shops, and other inessential shops closed, its truly amazing how we CAN cope. We can cope with not going to the mall ever so often, or stopping to have that cup of coffee at the local cafe.
How have you been coping?

Have you been productive in these last weeks, and more so have you given your body a chance to really rest. This is about the only time people don’t have to complain about getting up really early and getting ready for work, apart from their annual leave.

Everyday is a reality of this global crisis. Health care workers post videos to remind us of how real and deadly this invisible enemy is.
As it creeps and surges through the cities and countries, we see the rise in the number of deaths and those infected daily.
All our plans have automatically changed.
Being the humans that we are , we are so accustomed to making plans in advance, some be it for travel or work.
It turns out there is no sense of urgency for any of that at a time like this. Whatever plans we had scheduled have to be cancelled or postponed...due to unforeseen circumstances and changing times. There’s no sense of urgency...period.

It is a mental challenge. The survival of the fittest. We have to really programme our minds to this time of Lockdown, we have to find ways to fight this boredom, stimulate our minds and grow...grow personally, spiritually and mentally.

As this war continues to defeat us in so many ways, we remain strong and powerful, somehow recharged with this Lockdown. There’s a sense of community and gratitude in various parts of the world when frontline staff are greeted by applauds as they arrive home from work.

As we proceed to a stage 3 of this Lockdown within a few days we have a responsibility to our families and community by being sensible.
Follow the precautions and guidelines when you have to go to the grocery store or out in public. Wear your mask, sanitize your hands, maintain social distancing of 1.5 -2 meters apart from the next person.
Use a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of it thereafter into a waste bin. Sanitize or wash your hands as soon as possible. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow.
Educate your children on proper hand hygiene using the 20 second rule. As some of the pupils prepare to go to school, there is a fear factor and probably anxiety amongst educators, parents and learners. Parents have to ensure the safety of their children by educating them and preparing them appropriately. Ensure they maintain a healthy and well balanced diet, including their fresh fruits to support their immunity.
This is a time when we have to accept what is and move forward believing, and praying for a positive outcome around the world, acknowledging that life will  never be the same again for a long while. We have to have faith in our leaders who are guiding us with these decisions being made, believing they have our country’s best and safest interest at heart.

Stay safe. We will overcome this.
God bless you and your families🙏🏽

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