Monday 30 August 2010

Fashion at the EMMY's!!

Classy, chic, pizazz, goddess like, alluring are but some of the terms that come to mind for a glamorous event that one can only dream of attending. It's really fabulous to watch these gorgeous people make their stage appearance in their uber hot deisgner make gowns and suits. All that time and effort to put that make-up on, choose the  right outfit after going through like maybe a dozen or so, and then starve yourself the day before just so that you can squeeze into it for a few hours the next day!! Ohh, the pressure to be so glammed up!! Fortunately for some, they just look so natural and effortless beauty just exudes through them.

After all the glitz and glamour is over, they suck it in and take the heat by the so called "Queen of Fashion Police" and whatever gives her the right to criticise, Joan Rivers. However mean and critical she sounds, I have to admit, she is one funny 'ol gal and provides enough entertainment at the expense of others. She is downright honest, maybe a bit too much?? I'm sure the actors and actresses don't really take it too seriously, after all they've worked too hard and come too far to be worried about what someone says about their attire...they're still sitting pretty and raking in the dosh!!

Still, whatever your take is on the EMMY's, it is lovely just checking out the glam scene and the glamourous people that make that day!!
And 'Who are YOU wearing today??'.....

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