Sunday 5 February 2012

The month of LOVE

Verses from here
 Corinthians 13: 4-7

It's a leap year, and some guys will probably be expecting their dear sweetheart girlfriends to propose to them, or, it provides a bold opportunity for a girl to ask the young man out whom she's had an eye on, on the last day of February, the 29th......
hmmm...what are the chances??

If it's meant to be, who can hold back and why should you. Love can overcome all challenges and obstacles, if you believe that it can happen, then love will find a way(God guided). Who's to decide what rules there are, and what rules should be made when it comes to love? In love there are no rules. You are who you are, and need to be accepted for that. As unconventional as it may sometimes get, it is your lives and happiness that really matter in the end.
You could call it a 'a leap of faith for love'.

In the bigger scheme of things, we have the one life, the one life where we don't choose who we love (given there are cultures that accept and allow this), but rather, a love enters your life in the most unexpected way, when you're not looking.
Everyone in their own way deserves to be loved, and deserves the happiness that comes with it.

So this may be the month to make certain life changing decisions, if you know and feel it in your heart, what do you have to lose, aside from the love of your life?

                               Love builds bridges where there are none.


  1. An intensely moving and extremely interesting piece about True Love. Made me extremely emotional while reading it.
    What had changed in your heart recently about "True Love" for you to write a script about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE??

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I feel that when it comes to love, many people far too often fail to go with the feelings in their heart and instead analyse why a potential chance of love will not work out, hence missing out on a rare opportunity of something that was probably meant to be. I think that it's just as important to listen to, and believe in your heart (if it's meant to be) so that when that time comes, you don't let go of is worth fighting and waiting for.
    We only have the one life, and there is a someone for everyone out there!
    Thankyou for reading and finding this interesting!

    Love and light x



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