Wednesday 1 June 2011

True friends stand the test of time

Friendship is one of the most valuable experiences you can have in your life..that's something you get to know as you live your life from day to day. They're the friends who stand by you through thick and thin, good and bad times, and who will be brutally honest with you. It's awesome and a blessing to have people in your life whom you can sit and have a whinge with, be totally comforable with, and most of all be accepted for being yourself. In this day and age when life can be so hectic in so many ways, it's great to know that you've got a friend that you can turn to, a friend you can count on.

 Friendship works both ways. True friends are priceless and a rarity, treasure them!

 Great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget ( G Randolf)


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