Sunday, 18 April 2010

A Bit Under the weather

So you'd think after three weeks of holiday in the south and beautiful sunshine I would be feeling on top of the world and truly recharged with Vitamin D? On the contrary!
I've just returned to London from South Africa after an amazing sunny vacation, and a memorable and special best friend's wedding, and now, I just really feel like going back. It seems odd to say that though as we seem to be having some amazing sunny and blue sky weather here in London too.
It didn't help that on my flight over almost every other person sat there with a hacking cough, and sure enough it reached my precious immune system! So all the emotions are running high now that I've once again said goodbye to our beautiful sunny South African skies, and a place that I will always call home! I guess it doesn't help how I feel, along with the self pity and the inflamed frontal sinus passages. But you just have to remind yourself to snap out of it and GET WITH IT!! And maybe some steam inhalation too would speed things up.

It's amazing what a little cold can do to you and how it changes the course of what could have been an amazing weekend in the sunshine. So now I'm on the mend thankfully, and cant wait to start my road running again(it does not help that I've indulged in all the goodies that I've brought back and feel like a whale).

So give or take a few days and I know I'll be back in shape, more so emotionally.
Whatever the day holds for you, make it YOUR DAY, even if you are a bit under the weather.

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