Sunday, 27 November 2022

Slipping through my fingers

 Its incredible how fast time passes by when I stop and watch the little moments of my growing son,  and reality suddenly hits me. From the little things he does and the loving, heartwarming conversations that we occasionally have, I see a mature, caring and gentle soul developing. No longer a baby, but will always be my baby. Even just unpacking the groceries at the till, and helping to unpack the groceries at home without being told shows a responsibility that develops the maturity further. Including children in household chores plays a pivotal role during their childhood, and also helping them develop into the adult they will be someday.

Last week was definitely an appreciation of this reality when our son went on his first camping trip on an overnight stay with his school. Of course we had some concerns, never being away from our child overnight, but we also did not want him to have regrets later in life if he did not go.

Of course there was no way we were going to be too far away from their accommodation …not that we’re paranoid 😬. Saying goodbye to him at the school, knowing that we wouldn’t be too far from them, still choked me up, and I had to contain myself so that he wouldn’t see the sadness in my eyes. As I saw the bus drive away, there was an emptiness and tug at my heart that I felt within.

 We had no doubt that he and the other kids would be just fine as the teachers kept us updated all the time. From the photos we knew that they were enjoying themselves and  they were safe. We didn’t want him to regret 

I have to admit that even though it was one night, it felt like a really long quiet time without him, and felt most unusual. For children to be on an overnight stay away at a young age really boosts their confidence and independence. I am one of those parents somewhat paranoid for good reasons, even though I knew my son would cope. He was packed and prepared with his bag and prayers. 

As much as he did not want to go initially, I do think that he had a wonderful time as much as he does not want to admit it, and secretly I think he could do it again. 

As he prepares for a new school next year, my heart is brimming  with immense love and pride for this extraordinary  little being who I have no doubt is ready and confident to conquer his path ahead. I just wish that time could slow down a bit, as I still see my little boy through his eyes each time I get caught in a moment… slipping through my fingers. 

May your courageous spirit lead you to adventurous places. May the Lord always bless you.



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