Thankful for life.
Some say “my life flashed before my eyes” when a major accident or near miss has occurred.
It’s true when it happens to you.
A few mornings ago on my way to work I was almost involved in what could have been a big accident...God was on our side. ‘Our’ for the other driver, other potential drivers, and for me.
I had to quickly swerve right to the next lane without having time to even check whether there was a car on my side as I hooted quickly at the driver (who was looking the opposite side) who almost drove into me from my left.
As I drove on, I regained my composure after feeling quite shaken thinking the worse. Tears rolled down from my eyes as I realized how blessed I was....blessed for my life.
So often we take every DAY, every HOUR, every MINUTE and every SECOND for granted.
We just leave home in faith and return home in faith.
I’m thankful it wasn’t my time, and maybe somewhere in my mind I heard a voice saying that it wasn’t my time. It was a jerk back into the reality of my be greatful, and thankful for all I have in my life.
I’m sharing this because:
-no matter how safe a driver you think you are, there can always be someone out there who’s not,
- this was s reality check as to what COULD have happened,
- I’m alive now and it may not seem a big deal (it’s an awareness)
- it’s going to be the Festive Season soon and we just need to be cautious, practice patience and courtesy all the time when driving,
- I could have lost my life and left my son without his mum,
- it’s a reminder to CELEBRATE this life we have on this earth!
Even though I might seem an insignificant number in this big world like the many thousands who have lost their lives daily due to different harsh factors, I’m definitely the world to the significant few that I really matter to, and I’m blessed for having them in my life.
It makes me appreciate each day MORE and thankful to God for all I have!
With this in mind, have a blessed, safe and happy day!
Be humble. Be kind, courteous and patient. Life is not for rushing, despite the deadlines.
Smile, and pass it on.
God bless you.